
jonic noise è una net label, un'etichetta musicale indipendente che adopera il web come canale di diffusione privilegiato. proponendo lavori che spaziano da ritmi rigorosamente dance ad ambientazioni tipicamente chill out, si arriva, spesso anche all'interno dell'operato di un solo artista, a sperimentare e a provarsi con altre forme, come la colonna sonora, la musica concreta, il puro ‘rumorismo' industriale, come segno sonoro appartenente all'immaginario musicale della modernità.
JONIC NOISE is an open laboratory, a re-elaboration factory of global electronic sound, digest, assimilated and presented again in a remarkable original dress.
JONIC NOISE is a network made by composers, performers and dj-producers. They are artists becoming from various experiences and different musical backgrounds with one point in common: attention to the expressive and vocative power of bynary sounds.
Since 2008, JONIC NOISE is a net-label too, an indipendent music label that uses the world-wide-web as preferred channel of communication and diffusion for its signal. We propose a sound in between ambient / chill-out environments and dance rythms, that sometimes joins other genres and ways by creating new experiences, like modern and experimental classics, pure industrial, drone or electronic noisy music, considered as peculiar sign-sound of the post-modernist imaginary.
JONIC NOISE also produces soundtracks and sound scenarios for audiovisual and theatre and interactive sound design too (go to the Videos page).
JONIC NOISE is a community, a place open to contaminations, collaborations, contributions. We support the free circulation of the works of art, then we license our productions using Creative Commons licenses (copy free and some rights reserved).
EP - 2014 | LP - 2014 | Single - 2013 | EP - 2013 |
EP - 2013 | EP - 2012 | LP - 2012 | EP - 2012 |
Compilation - 2011 | EP - 2010 | EP - 2010 | EP - 2009 |
EP - 2009 | EP - 2009 | EP - 2008 | EP - 2008 |
Compilation - 2008 |